Date: 2023-08-23
1. 由于校内住宿紧张,学校只能优先保证获得免住宿费奖学金的学生住宿。其余没有获得免住宿费奖学金的同学,请事先查询并安排好抵通后的住宿。南通的房价较贵,每个月需要1500-2000元人民币,建议两三个人一起租,可以节约成本。租房信息可以在网上或者APP上寻找,也可以在找其他已经在南通的同学帮你联系房屋中介寻找,一般需要给半个月房租,作为中介费。
Due to the shortage of on-campus accommodation, we can only give priority of on-campus accommodation to students who have obtained the free accommodation scholarship. For the others who have not obtained the free accommodation scholarship, please arrange your off-campus residence in advance. The house price at Nantong is relatively expensive, which may requires 1500-2000 yuan per month. It is suggested that two or three people rent together to save costs. Rent information can be found online or on APP, or you can find other students who are already at Nantong to help you contact the housing agent. Generally, you need to pay half a month's rent as an intermediary fee.
2. 入校住宿的同学抵达南通后需在当地的体检中心完成体检,凭借体检健康证申请入校。这个过程需要3-7天,请提前安排好入校前的住宿。
After arriving at Nantong, students who can get the on-campus accommodation need to apply for entering the campus with physical examination certificate. The physical examination should be completed at the local physical examination center. This process may takes 3-7 days. Please arrange the residence before getting approved to enter campus.